New Member: I’m not sure if Water Fitness is a good fit for me.
WF Club: Exercising in the water is great for reducing arthritis and other joint pain because it puts less stress on the joints, and the buoyancy of the water helps reduce the pressure on your joints. Water also acts as a form of resistance, so strength exercises can be performed in the water without heavy weights. Performing strength exercises and using resistance will increase flexibility and balance and help to minimize bone and muscle loss. If you have suffered any neurological or balance issues, water fitness is a great way to rebuild strength, reducing the risk of falling. Falling on land cause serious damage. Falling in the water means getting your hair wet.
Member: How do I know if I am standing in the right depth in the pool?
WF Club: Most members find that standing in chest high water has been optimal for them to improve strength and balance. However, you should experiment with this for yourself. Some members find that wearing a floatation belt that keeps them afloat in deeper water offers more resistance and even less impact on their hips and knees. Try to avoid standing on an angle in the pool…both feet should be on the same plane on the pool floor.
Member: Why do we do so many leg lifts?
WF Club: One of the main reasons we do so many leg lifts and kicks is to get our heart rate up – you use a lot of muscle and that helps elevate heart rate. Using the resistance of the water, leg lifts work all of the muscles in the legs. Not only does this exercise work the legs, it also improves your balance and strengthens your core. With the buoyance of the water you are able to lift your legs much farther than if you were on land.
Member: When the instructions say to rotate my knee – am I really rotating my knee?
WF Club: That’s a great question! Your knee is actually a hinge joint – so no you should not rotate your knee – the movement should be at the hip with the knee leading the when making circles or figure eights.
Member: How will our workout help with my lower back pain?
WF Club: Exercises that improve mobility and strengthen your abs and back will help to reduce lower back pain. Hips that are flexible and strong are key to reducing back pain. That is why our routines always incorporate standing on one leg while we move our other leg left front to back or stand on one leg and bend and extend the other leg. This helps to build strength and balance.
Member: I have trouble raising my arms above my shoulders what should I do?
WF Club: Instead of raising your arms above your head, you can keep your arms below the water and move your arms forward/back or side/side creating resistance.
Member: Jumping causes me discomfort during the workout-what modification can I make?
WF Club: Instead of jumping or even lunging if that is a problem for you, try stepping forward/back – left/right.
Member: The tempo of the new workout seems very fast.
WF Club: If you need to, slow down. Oftentimes we think we need to move faster to work harder and get better results. Going faster might lead to poor posture. Take advantage of the buoyancy in the water and focus on maintaining good upright posture. It’s more important to build a strong core and muscles than to make sure you complete the exact count for each exercise. Move at the tempo or speed that is most comfortable for you. Over time you will see improvements.
Member: Why does the new routine have so many different movements?
WF Club: The goal to a good workout is to create diversity and variety in the exercise routines. For two really important reasons (1) eliminate boredom and engage you in the exercise and (2) move your body in as many directions as possible to avoid over working some muscles and failing to work on your full body. You might have noticed that with all of our routines there are always three sections; (a) warm-up (b) cardio (c) stretching and balance. All three are important to a well-rounded workout.
Member: How many calories do I burn during our workout?
WF Club: That is a great question! Part of the calculation has to do with how much you weigh, how intense you perform and for how long – but average workout for 60 minutes will burn approximately 300 calories for the average person. We found an interesting website – http://blog.intheswim.com/water-workout-calorie-burn-guide/ – that breaks down your weight, intensity and length of various exercises. You might find this an interesting article to read. Personally, I gained an entirely new respect for Pool Squats! I will be giving the squat and lift it wide exercise a lot more attention!
General Notes:
Our new routine combines some of the traditional movements we have enjoyed for the past several years, and we are excited to introduce some new movements as well. As always, if there is any movement that causes you pain or you have been instructed by your doctor not to perform, please consider some simple modifications.
- If jumping or lunging is a problem – instead step out right/left or forward/backward.
- if raising your arms above your head is a problem – instead only lift them to the level you are comfortable.
- If your knees are not supposed to cross the midline during exercise – instead bring them just back to center and then back out again.
- If kicks are a problem – consider jogging during those portions of the exercise.
We hope you enjoy the new routine – but be safe! You (and your doctor) are the best judge of your own capabilities.
If you have any questions, please email scwwaterfitness@gmail.com and we will discussion your questions with our water fitness guru’s and incorporate your questions into our POOL SIDE DISCUSSIONS next week.
Thanks again for your active participation as we implement our new 2018 Workout.
Water Fitness Committee & Water Fitness Board